Febbraio 15, 2013

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Dept of Electronic and Computer Engineering
University of Salerno
Via Ponte Don Melillo, 1
I83013 – Fisciano (SA), Italy
Building: Stecca V, Lab T18/1

Phone: +39 089 963005
Fax: +39 089 964218
Mail: pritrova@unisa.it
Skype: Skype Me™!

Research Activities

  • Knowledge and Semantic technology for Cognitive Vision
  • Semantic technology for CSCW and Enterprise 2.0
  • Adaptive and personalised e-learning systems
  • Cloud, grid and Distributed Architecture

Official PageList of publications


Pierluigi Ritrovato received the master degree in computer science in 1992 and from 2016 is Associate Professor in “Information Processing Systems” at the University of Salerno teaching courses of Computer Architecture, Internet of Things at the bachelor degree in Computer Engineering and on Semantic Enterprise Systems at the master degree in Computer Engineering.
In the last ten years, he has been focusing his scientific research on Knowledge Management, Semantic Web and Adaptive Learning Management Systems, with focus on implementation of Enterprise 2.0 solution based on Semantic technologies for performance improvement in so-called knowledge-intensive organization (supporting knowledge sharing, collaboration among distributed work teams, expert finding, etc.), Grid middleware for business and Service Oriented Architecture. The research activities has been carried out in the context of international research projects funded by the European Commission like ARISTOTELE (Personalized Learning & Collaborative Working Environments Fostering Social Creativity and Innovations Inside the Organizations 2010-2013 www.aristotele-ip.eu) with role of technical manager), ELeGI (European Learning GRID Infrastructure – www.elegi.org) with the role of Scientific Coordinator; the Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence (http://www.noe-kaleidoscope.org/pub/) as coordinator of the Learning GRID Special Interest Group, NEXOF-RA (NESSI Open Framework – Reference Architecture www.nexof-ra.eu).
In 2001, he has been Appointed by the European Commission as Locomotors, together with the United State counterpart for the “eLearning Futures and the Learning GRID” Working Group established in the frame of EU-US Cooperation programme on Science and Technologies for Learning.
He has been chair of the Service Orchestration, SLA usage and Workflow – Technical Group for projects funded under the sixth and seventh framework program by the research unit on the Software and Services Infrastructure of the European Commission. He has been member of the Steering Committee of the NESSI (Networked European Software & Service Initiative – 2007-2009) European Technology Platform (www.nessi-europe.eu).
He is co-editor of the books “Towards the Learning Grid: Advances in Human Learning Services” and “The Learning Grid Handbook: Concepts, Technologies and Applications” both published by IOS Press.