Agosto 16, 2014

Mivia Action Dataset

The dataset

The Mivia Action dataset is composed by 7 high-level actions performed by 14 subjects (7 males and 7 females). All the subjects performed 2 repetitions of each action and each action has a variable length, depending on the nature of the action itself.
The images have been acquired by using a Kinect sensor. In particular, the following images have been acquired for each sequence:

  • Depth Image
  • Depth Background

The actions

More information about the considered actions are shown in the table below.

Opening a jar 2 secs
Drinking 3 secs
Sleeping 3 secs
Random Movements 11 secs
Stopping 7 secs
Interacting with a table 3 secs
Sitting 3 secs

Some examples

A frame for the actions Drinking, Sitting and Brushing teeth are shown in the following:


If you use this dataset please cite:

  • Recognition of human actions from RGB-D videos using a reject option.
  • Recognizing Human Actions by a bag of visual words.


This dataset has been used by several methods. The results, obtained by a leave one out strategy, are reported below. If you use this dataset, please let us know! We will add your results in our web site.

Method Year Accuracy Reference Download
Reject 2013 79.8 V. Carletti, P. Foggia, G. Percannella, A. Saggese, and M. Vento. Recognition of human actions from rgb-d videos using a reject option, ICIAP 2013, volume 8158, pages 436–445
BoW 2013 84.1 P. Foggia, G. Percannella, A. Saggese, and M. Vento. Recognizing human actions by a bag of visual words, IEEE SMC 2013.
HaCK 2014 80.1 L. Brun, G. Percannella, A. Saggese, and M. Vento. Recognition of human actions by kernels of visual strings, IEEE AVSS 2014
Deep Learning 2014 84.7 P. Foggia, A. Saggese, N.Strisciuglio and M. Vento. Exploiting the deep learning paradigm for recognizing human actions, IEEE AVSS 2014
Edit distance 2015 85.2 L.Brun, P. Foggia, A. Saggese and M. Vento. Recognition of human actions using edit distance on aclet strings, VISAPP 2015


In order to download the whole dataset click here.


If you have any problems, do not hesitate to contact us here.