Novembre 15, 2016

Vincenzo Carletti


Dept of Electronic and Computer Engineering
University of Salerno
Via Ponte Don Melillo, 1
83013 – Fisciano (SA), Italy
Building: Stecca V, Room T18/1

Phone: +39 089 3006
Fax: +39 089 968167
Skype: Skype Me™!

Research Activities


Vincenzo Carletti received in 2012 the Master degree (cum laude) in Computer Engineering from the University of Salerno, Italy.

In April 2016 he received the Ph.D. degree in electronic and computer engineering from the University of Salerno, Italy, and from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Caen et Centre de Recherche (ENSICAEN), University of Caen Basse Normandie, France, with a thesis entitled “Exact and Inexact Methods for Graph Similarity in Structural Pattern Recognition”. The underlying research project of his thesis has been awarded by the “Università Italo Francese” – “Université Franco Italienne” (UIF-UFI) within the Project Vinci Framework.

He is currently a Assistant Professor. His research activity is mainly focused on structural pattern recognition, machine learning and embedded systems.