Novembre 14, 2016


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Peter Hobson; Brian C. Lovell; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Mario Vento; Arnold Wiliem

Computer Aided Diagnosis for Anti-Nuclear Antibodies HEp-2 images: Progress and challenges Journal Article

Pattern Recognition Letters, 82, Part 1 , pp. 3 - 11, 2016, ISSN: 0167-8655, (Pattern recognition Techniques for Indirect Immunofluorescence Images Analysis).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tag: Computer Aided Diagnoses | Links:

Peter Hobson; Brian C. Lovell; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Mario Vento; Arnold Wiliem

HEp-2 staining pattern recognition at cell and specimen levels: Datasets, algorithms and results Journal Article

Pattern Recognition Letters, 82, Part 1 , pp. 12 - 22, 2016, ISSN: 0167-8655, (Pattern recognition Techniques for Indirect Immunofluorescence Images Analysis).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tag: Computer Aided Diagnoses | Links:

Luc Brun; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Mario Vento

Action recognition by using kernels on aclets sequences Journal Article

Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 144 , pp. 3 - 13, 2016, ISSN: 1077-3142, (Individual and Group Activities in Video Event Analysis).

Abstract | BibTeX | Tag: Soft assignment | Links:


Luc Brun; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Mario Vento

Action recognition by using kernels on aclets sequences Journal Article

Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2015.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation | Links:

Peter Hobson; Brian C. Lovell; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento; Arnold Wiliem

Benchmarking human epithelial type 2 interphase cells classification methods on a very large dataset Journal Article

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2015.

BibTeX | Tag: Medical image analysis | Links:


Luc Brun; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Mario Vento

HacK: A System for the Recognition of Human Actions by Kernels of Visual Strings Inproceedings

IEEE, (Ed.): IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS 2014), 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4799-4871-0/14.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Peter Hobson; Brian C. Lovell; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento; Arnold Wiliem

Classifying anti-nuclear antibodies HEp-2 images: A benchmarking platform Conference

22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2014, 2014, ISSN: 10514651, (cited By 1).

BibTeX | Tag: | Links:

Giulio Iannello; Gennaro Percannella; Paolo Soda; Mario Vento

Mitotic cells recognition in HEp-2 images Journal Article

Pattern Recognition Letters, 2014.

BibTeX | Tag: Image analysis and recognition

Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Mario Vento

Pattern recognition in stained HEp-2 cells: Where are we now? Journal Article

Pattern Recognition, 2014, ISSN: 0031-3203.

BibTeX | Tag: Image analysis and recognition | Links:

Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Paolo Soda; Mario Vento

Special issue on the analysis and recognition of indirect immuno-fluorescence images Journal Article

Pattern Recognition, pp. 2303-2304, 2014.

BibTeX | Tag: Medical image analysis

Vincenzo Carletti; Luca Del Pizzo; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento

Foreground detection optimization for SoCs embedded on Smart Cameras Conference

Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Distributed Smart Cameras, ICDSC 2014, 2014, ISBN: 978-145032925-5, (cited By 0).

BibTeX | Tag: | Links:


Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento

Graph matching and learning in Pattern Recognition in the last 10 years Journal Article

International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2013, ISBN: 1793-6381.

BibTeX | Tag: Graph based classification and learning | Links:

Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Mario Vento

Recognizing Human Actions by a bag of visual words Inproceedings

IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE SMC 2013, 2013.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Vincenzo Carletti; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Mario Vento

Recognition of human actions from RGB-D videos using a reject option Inproceedings

International Workshop on Social Behaviour Analysis, SBA, pp. 436-445, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-642-41189-2.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Vincenzo Carletti; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Nicola Strisciuglio; Mario Vento

Audio Surveillance Using a Bag of Aural Words Classifier Inproceedings

IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS 2013), pp. 81-86, 2013, ISBN: 10.1109/AVSS.2013.6636620.

BibTeX | Tag: Audio analysis and interpretation

Rosario Di Lascio; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Mario Vento

A real time algorithm for people tracking using contextual reasoning Journal Article

Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 117 (8), pp. 892 - 908, 2013, ISBN: 1077-3142.

Abstract | BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation | Links:

Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Mario Vento

Real-Time Tracking of Single People and Groups Simultaneously by Contextual Graph-Based Reasoning Dealing Complex Occlusions Inproceedings

Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance (PETS), pp. 29 - 36, IEEE, 2013, ISSN: 2157-491X.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Donatello Conte; Rosario Di Lascio; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento

Pupil Localization by a Template Matching Method Inproceedings

Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), pp. 779-782, 2013.

BibTeX | Tag: Image analysis and recognition

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento

Counting moving persons in crowded scenes Journal Article

Machine Vision and Applications, 24 (5), pp. 1029-1042, 2013, ISSN: 0932-8092.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation | Links:

Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Paolo Soda; Mario Vento

Benchmarking HEp-2 Cells Classification Methods Journal Article

Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on, 32 (10), pp. 1878 - 1889, 2013, ISSN: 0278-0062.

BibTeX | Tag: Image analysis and recognition


Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento

A 3D Appearance Model for Object Tracking in Video Surveillance Applications Journal Article


BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Alessia Saggese; Mario Vento

An ensemble of rejecting classifiers for anomaly detection of audio events Inproceedings

Proceedings of the "IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance (AVSS)", pp. 76-81, IEEE, 2012.

BibTeX | Tag: Others

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento

Removing object reflections in videos by global optimization Journal Article

Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on, 22 (11), pp. 1623 - 1633, 2012, ISSN: 1051-8215.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Gennaro Percannella; Paolo Soda; Mario Vento

A classification-based approach to segment HEp-2 cells Inproceedings

Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), 2012 25th International Symposium on, pp. 1-5, IEEE, 2012, ISSN: 1063-7125.

BibTeX | Tag: Image analysis and recognition


Giovanni Acampora; Vincenzo Loia; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento

Trainable Estimators for Indirect People Counting: A Comparative Study Inproceedings

Fuzzy Systems, pp. 139-145, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, USA, 2011, ISSN: 1098-7584.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Francesco Tufano; Mario Vento

Reflection Removal for People Detection in Video Surveillance Applications Inproceedings

Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2011, pp. 178-186, SPRINGER, 2011, ISSN: 9783642240843.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation | Links:

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Francesco Tufano; Mario Vento

An Effective Method For Counting People in Video-surveillance Applications Inproceedings

Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, pp. 67–74, SciTePress , Science and Technology Publications, 2011, ISBN: 978-989-8425-47-8.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento

A MultiView Appearance Model for people re-identification Inproceedings

IEEE Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance, pp. 297–302, IEEE, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-4577-0844-2.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Gennaro Percannella; Paolo Soda; Mario Vento

Automatic Recognition of Mitotic HEp-2 Cells Inproceedings

Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Mass Data Analysis of Image and Signals in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Food Industry, pp. 91-105, Ibai - publishing, DEU, 2011, ISSN: 9783942952026.

BibTeX | Tag: Image analysis and recognition

Gennaro Percannella; Paolo Soda; Mario Vento

Mitotic HEp-2 Cells Recognition under Class Skew Inproceedings

Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, pp. 353–362, SPRINGER, HEIDELBERG -- DEU, 2011, ISSN: 9783642240874.

BibTeX | Tag: Image analysis and recognition | Links:

Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento

A Self-trainable System for Moving People Counting by Scene Partitioning Inproceedings

Proceedings of the International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition, pp. 297–306, Springer, BERLIN -- DEU, 2011, ISSN: 9783642215957.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation | Links:


Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Francesco Tufano; Mario Vento

An Experimental Evaluation of Foreground Detection Algorithms in Real Scenes Journal Article

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2010 , pp. 1-10, 2010, ISSN: 1110-8657.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation | Links:

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Francesco Tufano; Mario Vento

An Algorithm for Recovering Camouflage Errors on Moving People Inproceedings

International Workshop on Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, pp. 365-374, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2010, ISSN: 9783642149795.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Francesco Tufano; Mario Vento

A Method for Counting Moving People in Video Surveillance Videos Journal Article

EURASIP Journal on Advances in Sinal Processing, 2010 , pp. 1-10, 2010.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation | Links:

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Francesco Tufano; Mario Vento

A Method for Counting People in Crowded Scenes Inproceedings

Atti del 5° Convegno del Gruppo Italiano Ricercatori in Pattern Recognition, pp. 180-189, A.F. Abate, M.Nappi, G. Tortora, 2010.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Francesco Tufano; Mario Vento

Reflection removal in color videos Inproceedings

20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 1788–1791, IEEE Computer Society, 2010.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Francesco Tufano; Mario Vento

Counting Moving People in Videos by Salient Points Detection Inproceedings

20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pp. 1743-1746, IEEE Computer Society, 2010, ISSN: 1051-4651.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Francesco Tufano; Mario Vento

A Method for Counting People in Crowded Scenes Inproceedings

Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, pp. 225-232, IEEE Computer Society, 2010, ISBN: 978-0-7695-4264-5.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento

Performance Evaluation of a People Tracking System on PETS2009 Database Inproceedings

Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, pp. 119–ì126, IEEE Computer Society, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8310-5.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Donatello Conte; Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Mario Vento

A Method Based on the Indirect Approach for Counting People in Crowded Scenes Inproceedings

Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, pp. 111-118, IEEE Computer Society, 2010, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8310-5.

BibTeX | Tag: Video analysis and interpretation

Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Paolo Soda; Mario Vento

Early Experiences in Mitotic Cells Recognition on HEp-2 Slides Inproceedings

Proceedings of the XXIII International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, pp. 38-43, IEEE Computer Society, USA, 2010, ISSN: 1063-7125.

BibTeX | Tag: Image analysis and recognition


Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Carlo Sansone; Mario Vento

Benchmarking graph-based clustering algorithms Journal Article

Image and Vision Computing, 27 , pp. 979–988, 2009.

BibTeX | Tag: Graph based classification and learning | Links:

Giulio Iannello; Gennaro Percannella; Carlo Sansone; Paolo Soda

On the use of classification reliability for improving performance of the one-per-class decomposition method Journal Article

DATA & KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING, 68 , pp. 1398–1410, 2009.

BibTeX | Tag: Classification Paradigms | Links:


Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Carlo Sansone; Mario Vento

A Graph-Based Algorithm for Cluster Detection Journal Article

International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 22 , pp. 843–860, 2008.

BibTeX | Tag: Graph based classification and learning | Links:


Leandro D'Anna; Gennaro Percannella; Carlo Sansone; Mario Vento

A Multi-Stage Approach for Broadcast News Segmentation Inproceedings

IV Convegno Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Scienze della Voce, pp. –––, EDK editore, 2007.

BibTeX | Tag: Others

Leandro D'Anna; Gennaro Percannella; Carlo Sansone; Mario Vento

A Multi-Stage Approach for News Video Segmentation based on Automatic Anchorperson number detection Inproceedings

-, pp. 229–234, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA -- USA, 2007.

BibTeX | Tag: Others, Video analysis and interpretation | Links:

Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Carlo Sansone; Mario Vento

A Graph-Based Clustering Method and Its Applications Inproceedings

Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Brain, Vision and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 277–287, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, FRG, Berlin, FRG -- DEU, 2007, ISSN: 978-3-540-75554-8.

BibTeX | Tag: Graph based classification and learning | Links:

Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Carlo Sansone; Mario Vento

Assessing the Performance of a Graph-based Clustering Algorithm Inproceedings

Proceedings of the International Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition, pp. 215–227, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, FRG, Berlin, FRG -- DEU, 2007, ISSN: 978-3-540-72902-0.

BibTeX | Tag: Graph based classification and learning | Links:

Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Carlo Sansone; Mario Vento

Evaluating Classification Reliability for Combining Classifiers Inproceedings

-, pp. 711–716, IEEE Computer Society, 2007.

BibTeX | Tag: Classification Paradigms | Links:

Pasquale Foggia; Gennaro Percannella; Carlo Sansone; Mario Vento

On Rejecting Unreliably Classified Patterns Inproceedings

Proceedings of the International Conference on Multiple Classifier Systems, pp. 282–291, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, FRG, Berlin, FRG -- DEU, 2007, ISSN: 978-3-540-72481-0.

BibTeX | Tag: Classification Paradigms | Links:

88 dati « 1 di 2 »